19 June 2013

Static Line...

Oh no... the screen cracked again....
hate it... so much....
cepatla habis kontrak... nak tukar hanpon lain....

huhu.... new iphone is 2499... hrrrr...


10 June 2013

Little Things

have got nothing...
to be said...
love the line...
follow the flow...

30 May 2013

Hungry Games

been starving myself lately, but not everyday is a success.
been doing acupuncture recently, it is fun and refreshing.
hoping for the better life...

27 May 2013

I am Librokyoobikyoolarist

Me and Abu, once upon a time. 
Yeah, that's me.

Me again...

I wish my bed is like this.

Not so good Monday

Tini is not well...
She start to ignore me since yesterday...
I hope she eat...
But she have a caring and wonderful family around her that continuously giving her TLC...
Charaso Abu, Ibu, Thoven...

Get well soon my lovely

Bisou bisou

19 May 2013

Serendipity.....Found You Already!!!

Belatedly update... Found that rascal Thoven Mhoven after two nights she spent outside.
Dude, I am waiting for her to show up in front the house. But, she got scared and did not come up.

Serendipity, coincidentally, found her hiding under the car to one car to another car...
She is scared... Scaredy cat....
Well, found her. She has been sleeping most of the time, open her eyes, blinking then sleep again.
I hope she learn her lesson like before when she fall on the rooftop...

13 May 2013

Tute Thoven Mhoven..... Missing you already....

Missing a cat, losing a cat...
I prefer the later as I know he already gone but when he gone missing in action...
I keep wondering he will show up suddenly in front the house..or maybe he will emerge from where ever sleeping quarter he choose...

Thoven... I already missing you...
Do come back if you are meant for me...

12 May 2013

Craniosacral Therapy

'm having MIGRAINE now...
so I hate this perfume smell.... 
hate it when I am not having migraine.. 
hate it more right now...

07 May 2013

Head over Grey....

Hoplophobia is a neologism, which some journalists have described as pejorative, originally coined to describe an "irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them."It is sometimes used more generally to describe the "fear of weapons" or the "highly salient danger of these weapons" or the "fear of armed citizens."

06 May 2013

Grey Sky...

'M loving my day today...
cold, grey day...

urfff... what a day...

not as grey as today.... 

02 May 2013

Kind, Kinder, Kindest... Errr Kindle...

Thinking to buy KINDLE or any e-reader..need e-reader...
need to read more.....
browsing and found Kindle e-ink...the best of kindle..best in price, but what about the storage capacity...2GB...'m not sure....

but KINDLE is the best of it kind.... put it in wishlist....