twilight that i remembered was something scary, lot of ghost, that why its called twilight zone. zone of creepy, scary place...where all the bad, ugly, smelly, slippery, with fang, sharp teeth and bloody thing stay.
but the new twilight...was very bright,eventhough it was set in the most wet place in US, romantic, handsome, pretty, sexy...i watch the movie first before the was that....fascinating...
currently in love with korean games show...called x-man...but they no longer aired....
wish Msia could have something like was so refreshing....i never could laugh like i did when watching that was hilarious plus moving with that love scandal....
through that games show...i feel in love with kim jong kook's song....with his unique voice....people said like mosquito....but it wasn't it....he has high pitched voice... december, love is, nero-black cat and sarangsurowo a.k.a loveable....